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The new files online and email reminders use the Gcal 6 calendar official GBC software which automatically indicates daylight savings
On the calendar reminders and files you will find reference to (LT) or (DST).
In short - you will NOT need to make adjustment of the times show.

DST - Time is in 'Daylight Saving Time'
LT - Time is in 'Local Time'

Daylight Savings

"Break fast 06:18 - 10:03  (Daylight-savings not considered)"

Many people write me asking about Daylight Savings - below is some information that will help you determine what times to break fast after observing ekadasi.

Info from the official GBC Calendar website
Info from Jaya Tirtha Caran prabhu's website
Map of daylight savings zones around the world
Further info


GBC Calendar website

The following text is from the official GBC calendar website at and was originally distributed along with the old dos vcal program.

"Break fast 05:18 - 09:34" and "Daylight-savings not considered"
To complete the proper observance of Ekadasi, the next morning
one should end the fast after the first time given in the
calendar and before the second time. The calendar gives these
times according to the standard time of the place for which the
calendar is made.

During the summer, many locations do not follow standard time,
but instead move their clocks an hour ahead (or sometimes more)
to make more use of the hours of daylight. So, for example, 5
o'clock in the morning becomes 6 o'clock instead. The Vedic
Calendar program does not take such daylight-saving time into
account. So for days when your location uses daylight-saving
time, you must adjust the times given by the calendar.
Generally, this means that when daylight-saving time is in
effect you should add an hour to the times given.

Jaya Tirtha Caran prabhu's website

The following info originally appears on the pages of.

Daylight Savings:
Many countries around the world observe Daylight Savings Time - DLS or DST - Summer Time.
Generally this means that in the summertime the government orders that the clocks be turned backwards so that is it less light in the morning, and stays light up until later in the evening.
In the winter time the clocks are again returned to normal so that with the shorter day people can get maximum daylight.
Some countries do not adjust their time - so where it says Break fast 08:30 - 10:30 Daylight savings not taken into consideration - any adding or subtracting that may be needed is only applicable to countries that change their time - DST.
Some countries add one hour, some add two hours, some countries like Australia only some States observe Day light savings, while Queensland doesn't. Check locally.


Map of daylight savings zones around the world

██ DST used

██ DST no longer used

██ DST never used



First find out if your country / location uses daylight savings and then make a note of what dates it is implemented.
During the times where daylight savings is not used then the fast times on the calendar are to be followed.
During times where daylight savings are used then ADD the number of hours to the times stated on the calendar, for example:
On a UK calendar between the dates starting on the last Sunday in March and ending on the last Sunday in October the following calendar info:
"Break fast 05:18 - 09:34"
would then become
"Break fast 06:18 - 10:34"


Further Info

On Wikipedia

Day light - Summertime Saving Times around the world - who observes:

More than you'd ever need to know about DLS all over the world:


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